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Sarajevo Open Centre Strategic Plan 2021-2023

Aim: Support the rights of LGBTQI people and women’s rights in a strategic way 

How: Sweden provides core support to Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) and their Strategic Plan 2021-2023. SOC is a strong and credible civil society organization that works for the rights of LGBTQI people and women’s rights in a strategic way. They are the largest and most important organization of its kind and have so far influenced the development in the country in terms of LGBTQI people's rights, for example contributed to legislative changes. They work strategically with institutions and conduct advocacy work to bring about policy changes, as well as with support and protection for individuals. 

Why: Equal human rights for all is a basic condition for EU membership. 

Project value:
6,000,000 SEK
Project duration:

Policy markers: 

  • Democracy and Human Rights - Principal objective
  • Gender Equality - Principal objective
  • Environment – Not Targeted

Target group

LGBTI-community; Women’s civil society; Government institutions on various levels

Implementing partner:
Sarajevo Open Centre
Support area:
Human rights, democracy, the rule of law and gender equality
Government and civil society
Municipalities (3):
Banja Luka, Brčko, Sarajevo