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Integrated private employment services pilot

Aim: Improve the employability of the long-term unemployed workforce, particularly youth, women, and people with short or no education or training. Phase II of the project focuses on women through reinforcement of established mechanisms within the existing project. 

How: The project is part of a larger employment support programme implemented by the World Bank. It engages employment service providers to match unemployed with labor demand. The project tests private employment service provision models and evaluate the impact of support to the unemployed workforce.

Why: Reduced unemployment benefit economic development and will help Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path towards EU membership. 

Project value:
51,000,000 SEK
Project duration:
2017 – 2025

Policy markers: 

  • Democracy and Human Rights - Not targeted 
  • Gender Equality - Significant objective
  • Environment - Not targeted 
Target group 
The beneficiaries of the project include registered jobseekers and firms located in the selected project areas. The project would be expected to benefit 500-800 registered jobseekers and potentially up to 500 firms. Phase II specifically targets women and it will result in economic inclusion for 1000 women.
Implementing partner:
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Other stakeholders:
Ministries of Labor in both entities, Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support area:
Economic development
Other multisector
Municipalities (3):
Banja Luka, Brčko, Sarajevo