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Child protection programme UNICEF

Aim: Strengthen the rights and protection of the most vulnerable and excluded children and families; children with disabilities, children of minorities, especially Roma, and children in impoverished communities. 

How: The programme works with a wide range of issues relating to child rights and child protection, including child rights monitoring, social protection, inclusive quality education, and early childhood education. The programme also works on strengthening child protection systems with the aim of contributing to realizing children’s right to be free from violence, neglect and abuse, including the right to live in a family environment, as well as children’s access to justice. 

Why: The overall goal of the UNICEF country programme is to support the efforts of Bosnia and Herzegovina to accelerate the universal realization of child rights by reducing disparities and inequities and strengthening social cohesion among groups. This is one of the cornerstones in strengthening the fundamental rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is one of EU’s criteria for membership. 

Project value:
40,800,000 SEK
Project duration:

Policy markers: 

  • Democracy and Human Rights - Principal objective
  • Gender Equality - Significant objective
  • Environment - Significant objective

Target group

UNICEF will aim to target the most vulnerable children and their families, e.g. children with disabilities, children without parental care and Roma children. While UNICEF will apply a life-cycle approach, focusing on children 0-18 years of age, for certain interventions UNICEF will focus on children age 0-3 (early childhood) and children age 10-15 (early adolescence) considering the critical windows of opportunities both periods in a child’s life offer in terms of brain development (social, cognitive and emotional learning) and the greater return in terms of investments made during these two periods.

Other donors related to the project:


Implementing partner:
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Other stakeholders:
Academic community, Associations of psychologists and social workers, Cantonal Ministries responsible for justice, security, social welfare, education, and health, Civil society organisations, District Brcko (DB), Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), IOM, Republika Srpska (RS), State, UN Woman, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR
Support area:
Human rights, democracy, the rule of law and gender equality
Government and civil society
Municipalities (3):
Banja Luka, Brčko, Sarajevo